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Unlock Innovative Microbial Strain Applications

Are you seeking to discover innovative applications for your existing microbial strains? Our new offering at Eagle Genomics is not just about analysing data but about UNLOCKING NEW OPPORTUNITIES.

We would like to introduce our Two-Phase Comprehensive Solution:

  • Precision Analysis: Utilise our semi-automated pipeline for detailed genomic analysis to uncover the intricate details of microbial strains.
  • Holistic Evaluation: Benefit from our extensive evaluation process, integrating data from public databases and scientific literature to provide a comprehensive understanding.

Transform Your Research with Our Service:

  • Identify Probiotic Frontiers: Efficiently sift through genomic libraries to pinpoint promising probiotic candidates.
  • Repurpose with Confidence: Assess genomes for their potential efficacy in new therapeutic applications.
  • Deep Dive into Microbial Insights: Gain an unparalleled understanding of microbial behaviour and characteristics at the genomic level.

Explore Your Microbial Assets in Partnership with Eagle Genomics

Why Choose Eagle Genomics?

  • Innovative Approach: Stay at the forefront of microbial research with our state-of-the-art technology.
  • Expert Insights: Leverage our expertise to enhance your research and development strategies.
  • Tailored Solutions with complementary services: We can provide a range of complementary services designed to enhance and support our core offering.

Ready to Explore your microbial assets?

Connect with us to learn how our in silico microbial strain characterisation can revolutionise your research and development.



Our Resources about Microbial Strain Categorisation

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